Chin google translate
Chin google translate

In addition to searching this dictionary online, teachers and learners, please click on the link below to download one of the PDF versions to your computers to use off line or to print for classroom or home use. We knew if Midland College Adult Education had a problem of no dictionaries, so did many others. You will find here all the documents and materials that have been translated into the 8. As TechCrunch reports, a Google spokesperson has confirmed this is a. Welcome to the School District of Philadelphia translation archive. This need inspired volunteers to create this on-line dictionary to help Midland College’s Adult Education teachers and Chin Hakha students learn English. Users attempting to visit are now being redirected to a generic Google search page instead. Posted by Jeff Chin, Product Manager, Google Translate. In 2008, Midland College Adult Education ( needed a Chin Hakha dictionary but a copy was difficult to find. Since we first launched the Website Translator plugin back in September 2009, more than a million. Zoh Recent Posts: Zei tin dah hi Dictionary hi a chuah ning a si. We would love to hear from you.Īn article about the Chin people in Midland, Texas, U.S. and how this dictionary came to be. If you have any comments, suggestions, or improvements for this site, please contact us. Visit our blog to see how we are updating and enhancing the dictionary.

chin google translate chin google translate

The move marks the end of one of its last remaining products in the world’s. We currently have translation support for English to Chin Hakha, Chin Hakha to English, and a PDF for Chin Falam. Alphabet’s Google on Monday said it shut down the Google Translate service in mainland China, citing low usage.

Chin google translate