Underneath his walk and fly animations are sound effects "thunk" and flap". This is unfinished as Nigel has many more animations that are not listed (dive, glide, grab, idle, jglide) which shows that he was probably cut before they finished making him. His model is present within the files however at least in the GameCube version, the textures are incomplete showing that he was cut before he was finished and he has a txt file much like the other playable characters: Judging from what can be found in the files, it seems as though Nigel was going to have two gameplay styles: one where he would have been running and jumping and another where he would have been flying. The config.txt file shows all of the characters that were planned to be playable. However, the files show that there were going to be more playable characters with completely different gameplay styles who never made it into the final game.

While there are few differences among them, their gameplay styles are nearly identical they swim around in a 2D or 3D plane. The game has three playable characters: Nemo, Marlin and Dory.