Start Steam, let it load, and select a game.Copy your Steam folder to the new drive.In the existing games location, remove any games you no longer need installed to make the entire process faster.Mac uses the Apple File System (APFS) and Windows uses the New Technology File System (NTFS). For a replacement drive or upgraded drive, have your operating system recognize the new device and format it.This first way is the inexact way, but it works. There is a clunky way to move your games and a sensible one. Here are some ways to change game download locations in Steam.

If Steam already exists and you already have games there, you can move them if you want. Many Steam users find that they run out of space on the currently used partition of existing storage or need to replace the drive due to failure or upgrade it to get more space. How to Move Game Downloads of Existing Steam Games Now, whenever you add a new game, Steam will prompt you for the location to download and install it.

You can also add a new folder by clicking on the folder where you want a new one to reside and select “NEW FOLDER.” Browse for a new folder and click on “SELECT” to add it.In the “STORAGE MANAGER” window that appears, add a new folder to download/install your games.Under the “Content Libraries” section, click on “STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS.”.Select “Downloads” from the navigational menu on the left.Launch Steam, then click on “Steam -> Preferences” at the top.